
Dawn of the Day
My name is Dawn. I have always called myself, ‘Dawn of the day’. I smile at this because I know my God is here with me today to witness His goodness in the things I try to achieve.
I have come a long way in the last twenty years. I look back and I am thankful for the journey I have made and now have my children following in my footsteps whilst also teaching me everything they are learning along the way. My family and friends have been a shoulder to both cry and laugh on.
My main inspiration to write came from my grandfather who wrote for his work and also for pleasure. I was tempted to emulate him and sometimes tried to copy what he had written. I didn’t realise that these childhood acts would one day lead me to writing children’s story books and poetry of my own.
About eight years ago I was also inspired by my eight grandchildren, with the youngest one who was five years old at the time, saying to me, “Grandma we have to take you back to school to learn English”. This was because I always spoke to her in my mother tongue. Even though she understood my Ghanaian language it was as if she felt that me learning English would be of great benefit. Although, my granddaughter’s words were said often, I never believed that it would ever happen. My determination made my children and grandchildren very proud as their words became my reality.
I wrote my first book of poems, titled ‘Till I Can Do No More’, in 1998. This was followed by four story books, Portia’s Story, Kwabena and the Magic River, The Village Dancer and The Virtue of Patience, with another two books yet to be published. I am a self published author because it has been difficult for me to find a publisher but with the help of my editor Ms Vanderpuye and two proof readers, my books were made perfect and ready for publishing. It has been my dream to see my books on people’s laps and in schools. I have moved closer to making that dream a reality. I am happy in the knowledge that I have come a long way!
I dedicate today to my grandparents Mr and Mrs Samuel Bus-Kwofie who never stopped loving me. Without them I would not have been able to be what I wanted to be. I just want to thank God for my children but especially my grandchildren who always comforted me in every situation they saw me in. I love you all. And a special thanks to everyone who helped or believed in me to achieve what I have today.
My mother used to say, “Don’t despair or be discouraged because when a window shuts a mansion bigger than a castle opens”. I take great comfort from these words as I acknowledge how far I have come.