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Writer, Poet, Author,
Writer, Poet, Author,
Writer, Poet Author
Writer, Poet Author
About us

Dawn Arthur Writes

Dawn is a story writer who draws on her knowledge, insight and experience of the Ghanaian culture. Taste the adventure and wholesome life lessons.

She has been writing for over twenty five years and is passionate about some of life’s lessons and portraying that to kids and young people through relatable imaginative and fun stories.

Book Review

Kwabena And The Magic River written by Dawn Baaba Arthur is a very good colourful and interesting family story book to read. It also includes some great stories about how Ghanaian culture is influenced by showing love, compassion and kindness. I am recommending this fascinating book to everyone to read.

Joyce A

I highly recommend this book for children that enjoy and have an interest in African Mythology stories. The book gives an insight to the mystery of various myths around living in the village. In the first chapter, it introduces fun activities such as Hide and seek, 'Ampee' with instructions on how to play these games. Children will be inspired to play this interactive game.
The book is great and fun reading that will spark joy and imagination for everyone. The characters have faith and perseverance that brings opportunities into their lives. Kwabena explores his relationship with his family and friends growing up in the village as well as travelling abroad and experiencing different lifestyles. The moral of the story teaches: patience, courage and determination. happy ending of good fortune and achievement from poverty of the family living in the village of Ghana.

Mrs J Sumney

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